Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Prof. Roger

I haven't made up my mind whether my economics professor is completely off his rocker or a pretty smart guy. Anyways, the guy has more quotes than Michael Phelps swims laps. A few weeks ago he was asking everyone where they were from, and finding out I am from CU Boulder he began talking about his supposedly brilliant friend Carlos Felippa who teaches at Boulder. In reference to his friend he said "The Argentinos are very smart when they're alone, the problem is when they're together." I thought it was pretty funny considering how many problems the gov't here in Argentina has.... Prof. Roger is a HUGE critic of the government in Argentina... for good reason. No one wants to hold onto Argentine pesos because of the high inflation rate, foreign investment is almost non-existant in the country, imports are so heavily restricted that doctors have trouble getting basic supplies, and most everyone saves their money abroad because of government seizures of banking accounts in 2001.

anyways, here are some other things Professor Roger has said:

Saturday, August 25, 2012

into the wild

Considered to be one of the most controversial zoos in the world, i knew Lujan wasn't going to disappoint. After only a 2 hr. bus ride from Buenos Aires one can pet literally go in the cage to pet and feed lions and tigers, ride a camel, feed an elephant, and basically do stuff that you can't do anywhere in the U.S. The reason that many people think the zoo is inhumane is because of how relaxed all the predatory animals are..... some say it's because of tranquilizers or relaxants that are given to the animals on a regular basis.... but the zoo keepers insist that the animals are mild-mannered because of the way they're raised

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Iguazu Falls

Probably the coolest place I've been so far in Argentina. Iguazu Falls had a tropical, very Costa Rican feel to it. The falls themselves are unbelievable. The main falls form a giant horseshoe of millions of gallons of water falling about 80 meters. After seeing Iguazu Eleanor Roosevelt said "Poor Niagara! This makes Niagara look like a kitchen faucet." 

Paraguay across the river where the sun in going down... picture taken from point 7 on the map above



Some random mission that had some sort of historical importance

Saturday, August 4, 2012


So i've been in Argentina for several weeks now and it felt like time to create a blog.  

This city is massive, and yet it's always crowded. Somehow millions of people fit into this one city, thousands seem to fit on the subways, and what feels like hundreds on the buses that never seem to come to a complete stop when picking up or dropping off passengers. Don't get me wrong - i've definitely been enjoying my time here... i just compare things to back home and find it hard to believe that half the escalators aren't in working order, ordering a bottled water at a restaurant can be more expensive than a glass of wine, making a one-stop shop at a grocery store is almost impossible, and burger king and mcdonalds are some of your pricier options when going out to eat.

Some positives about this city are the efficient transportation systems (when the workers aren't striking),      the bakeries that are on most streets, choripan (sausage on bread), the many parks and plazas all over the city, and being able to cross any street without concern of jaywalking (at your own risk).

Pickpocketing/ having money stolen is pretty common. I haven't had any personal experiences yet, but several of the girls in my program have had money stolen on the streets or on the subways. Sometimes the Argentinos get pretty aggressive... add that in with the policeman standing on corners who are notorious for staying in the same exact spot in all situations and you're on your own if anything bad happens.

4th of July

The nightlife here..... any night from Wednesday until Sunday it is common for the younger crowd to go out to a bar with friends for several hours, then go to one of the dozens of clubs that play a wide variety of music from about 2 to 7 in the morning. The common drink is speed (the local energy drink) and vodka. Music, themes, and crowd sizes vary depending on the night, but each club has its own definite characteristics with names like Club 1, Kika, Club 69, and Amerika. They're often overcrowded, hot, and playing music so loud you have to use sign language to communicate, but if you go to the right one with friends it can be pretty fun.
I don't think the treasury here ever stops the circulation of old bills. Some of the small bills are so unbelievably worn that you hope right when you get them that you will be able to spend it before the thing completely tears in half.
The exchange rate for dollars to pesos is about 4.5 when you go to an ATM for withdrawals, BUT some places will give you up to 6.2 if you wire the money to yourself through their company. Many people call this the "black market exchange rate," but if it isn't totally legal it's definitely the lesser of two evils compared to Argentina's fraud. Also, it's impossible to have ATMs spit out dollars. They only give you pesos even though most places accept and want to be paid in dollars.
I've been watching a lot of Argentine Olympics. Not very exciting though because
this guy is the only Argentino with a medal to his name so far for 2012.
most of the ppl from the intensive language month in ISA