Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Prof. Roger

I haven't made up my mind whether my economics professor is completely off his rocker or a pretty smart guy. Anyways, the guy has more quotes than Michael Phelps swims laps. A few weeks ago he was asking everyone where they were from, and finding out I am from CU Boulder he began talking about his supposedly brilliant friend Carlos Felippa who teaches at Boulder. In reference to his friend he said "The Argentinos are very smart when they're alone, the problem is when they're together." I thought it was pretty funny considering how many problems the gov't here in Argentina has.... Prof. Roger is a HUGE critic of the government in Argentina... for good reason. No one wants to hold onto Argentine pesos because of the high inflation rate, foreign investment is almost non-existant in the country, imports are so heavily restricted that doctors have trouble getting basic supplies, and most everyone saves their money abroad because of government seizures of banking accounts in 2001.

anyways, here are some other things Professor Roger has said:

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