Sunday, July 29, 2012

Garganta del Diablo

Garganta del Diablo (Throat of the Devil) : the place gets its name from a spot where two canyons funnel into a narrow gorge and form a waterfall. Above the waterfall it gets pretty desolate, so it was a perfect area to backpack around and campout for a few days.

By the time you're in Tilcara you're pretty much knocking on the front door of Bolivia. Saying the people are dark skinned is an understatement. I thought I stood out in Buenos Aires, but in Tilcara I was like a snowflake in a coal mine. What also stood out to me was the huge disparity in wealth. The luxury, double decker buses let out only a block away from where a man was building a house with homemade bricks and a bamboo ladder tied together with rope.

Common mode of transportation over long distances in Argentina. No one really flies unless it's international. 
Clint took roughing it to a new level. It wasn't your average camping trip because we didn't have a tent, but Clint literally slept with only what he's wearing in this picture.... for 3 nights  

Not the main waterfall, but still pretty cool 

Pasta turned out to be more of a sludge. Barely salvageable. 

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